Roof Truss Design Verification is a specialised design and inspection process where the roof truss design is checked against the structural framework of the dwelling. This activity is usually carried out prior to the installation of the roof trusses and is also carried out in some instances after the roof trusses are installed. Roof truss verification is also required after any event where the roof truss is found to be defected or the property owner or their appointed inspectors believe about any structural issues in the roof truss. During the pre-construction phase, it is relatively easier to check and validate the roof truss structure. Whereas for post-construction verification, the roof truss needs to the checked if this was constructed as per the design documentation and then the design documentation is verified. In this fast-paced industry where the roof trusses are designed and erected by a third party, it is very important to ensure that the roof trusses are designed and erected with respect to the framing design of the dwelling.
For any issues in relationship to your roof truss, whether you are as pre or post construction phase in relation to your roof truss, please contact Oz Geos and you can rely on our Technical Team’s expertise and experience.