Design Residential, Commercial and Industrial Structure is a branch of civil engineering where dwelling or building structures are designed, computed and drafted for construction. As per the application, the design of the residential, commercial or industrial buildings varies as the load and other aesthetical interest varies. In parallel, the material availability, construction practise, site constraint and other external constraint such as geology, groundwater etc. governs the structural design process for the above-mentioned structures. In today’s world where the entire construction industry is facing various challenges like labour shortage, supply chain issues, effort to reduce carbon footprint, environmental contamination etc. the task for designing a structure has become even more challenging and interesting.
Oz Geos has always been a champion of sustainable designs which are environmentally friendly and supports re-purposing or even re-using of material. These can range from a simple re-purpose of the roof truss system to as large as crushing, milling, polymerising and re-using of concrete for a sports stadium. We believe that as we design for the best interest of our client, the interest should be mutual. In order to produce a economically viable and eco-friendly design, there will be challenges as we move away from the traditional practise, but with cooperation and support from the construction team we can always produce a better world for tomorrow.