Site Classification also known as soil test, lot classification or site investigation is carried out on a residential site (at times this classification can be also used for broader building application). This is used to classify the soil conditions to ascertain the suitability of the soil for the intended building design. The site classification provides the expected amount of movement of the soils which indicates the reactivity of the soils, soil plasticity and bearing capacity in that particular location. The site is classified in accordance with AS2870, where seven different site classifications are documented: Class A, Class S, Class M, Class H1, Class H2, Class E, and Class P.At Oz Geos, our geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist will perform the drilling works for soil sampling, including desktop study and laboratory testing (optional). We estimate the field strength (shear strength or consistency) of the soil by conducting dynamic cone penetration test. The encountered soils and rocks are analysed and classified according to their inherent properties like particle size, material, texture and according to their in-situ conditions. By understanding these properties, our geotechnical engineer can define and predict soil behaviour which can indicate how suitable the soil is for the intended development at site. This is then used by other Engineers (Civil and Structural) to determine the type and geometry of founding systems needed for the proposed building.