Steel Structure Design are typically utilised for high-rise, large-span, complicated frames, heavy load or crane lifting, huge vibration, high tightness requirements, moveable, or frequently put together and taken apart buildings. Buildings include permanent structures as well as stadiums, opera houses, bridges, telecommunication towers, factories, warehouses, garages, and hangars. This fits in with the steel structure’s characteristics.
Given the variety of factors involved, the layout and selection of the structure should be made with the help of professional engineers. It is necessary to highlight “conceptual design” throughout the entire steel structure design process since it is crucial for the selection and layout of the structure. Linear elastic analysis is typically used in the actual design of steel structures, finite element software is used for more complex design analysis, where the steel member’s elastic-plastic properties and geometric nonlinearity are considered and assessed. This creates the necessary framework for a more detailed analysis structure.
We are honoured to state that we have been providing our structural designs to one of the world’s largest container structured home suppliers. During this process we have gained expertise in designing large complex project and the use of various forms of steel including cold formed steel. To increase efficiency and mitigate supply-chain issues we are experienced in designing with a mix of timber and steel members.