Trench Stability Assessment is a study that estimates the stability of man-made trenches is cohesive or granular material and also for rock stratum. The stability is assessed by two calculation methods. The first involves the equilibrium of forces acting on the rigid wedge. The second one includes numerical calculations conducted in Plaxis 3D Foundations Trench Stability Assessment & Excavation failures are particularly dangerous because they may occur quickly, limiting the ability of workers to escape especially if the collapse is extensive.
The speed of an excavation collapse increases the risk associated with this type of work and the consequences are significant as the falling earth can bury or crush any person in its path. This can result in death by suffocation or internal crush injuries.
A person conducting a business or undertaking must manage risks associated with all kinds of excavations at the workplace, no matter how deep.
At Oz Geos, we offer various solutions to overcome potential impacts of excavations to adjacent structures and OHS hazards. We also advice on the suitability of earthwork methods, impact minimisation strategies and appropriate excavation methods. We utilise both limit equilibrium approach as well as 3D FEA modelling to estimate the risk and thus propose the mitigation methods accordingly.